Meet our Team &
Open Positions
We are building an entrepreneurial team to enhance and expand our achievements to date.
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Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
ceo, cto and founder
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
senior travel agent
and co-founder
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
market study
and quality control
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
digital marketing
and affiliate manager
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
Spanish and catalan proofreader
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
Travel Product support
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
Merchandising creator
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
Craft a captivating title for this section to attract your audience.
Use this space to write about your company, employee profiles and organizational culture; share your story and connect with customers.
Roles we need:
- Crypto team (full-crypto-stack)
- Recruiting team (psycho and digital marketing)
- Financial team (hybrid tax, international, crypto, tech)
- Tant aixequen una ronda de capital amb cryptos
- Treballa amb el checkout team
- Branding team (hybrid marketing and financial)
- Full stack. Treballa amb el financial team
- Digital marketing team (hybrid marketing, affiliate and tech)
- Flight team (tech, symfony)
- Hotel team (tech, symfony)
- Checkout Team (tech, Full-Stack, PHP, Symfony, ReactJs)
- Product team (hybrid tourism and tech)
- Treballa amb Internal Tools (Backend, PHP, Symfony)
- Inclou fins el punt de tenir una API interna amb la calculadora i amb descripcions.
- Inclou agents
- Internal tools team (tech)
- Agent panel
- Affiliate panel
- Automation workflow (open source)
- Accounting (open source)
- FollowUp (open source)
- Flow team
- Inclou “Specialist in Meeting Recording and Minutes”
- Especialista en IA de transcripció
- Inclou “Specialist in Meeting Recording and Minutes”
- Security team
- Inclou white-hat hackers.
- Cloud team
- Sistemistes devops
- Forms and Feedback Team (Full-Stack, PHP, Symfony, ReactJs)
- Roles que no sé on seran:
- Product Owner (varies unitats de persona, cada un estarà portant varios projectes)
- Product creation
- Touchpoint team
- Back, Front i Sistemes (potser full-stack) per a fer sistemes d’email, WhatsApp
- Automation team
- Persones consumidores d’internal tools per generar els procéssos d’automatització
- Travel Agents
- Operations (operate a purchased trip, includes customer support. Should we include TECH? as doing the chat, etc?)
- Sales & customer support (pre-sales & quotation)
- Business Operations team and Auditing team (are they 2 separate teams?)
- Financial-related => Controls that everything is in place in terms of money, including crypto release
- Operations-related => Checks the happiness of the customer?
- Sales-related => KPIs for sales, etc.
- Recerca i Desenvolupament (R&D)
- Innovació en noves tecnologies i serveis
- Control de Qualitat
- Assegurament de qualitat per a tots els serveis i productes
- Legal i Compliment Normatiu
- Compliment de regulacions legals a tot el món
- Protecció de dades
- Suport Multilingüe
- Equip d’atenció al client en múltiples idiomes per atendre un mercat global
- Analítica i Dades
- Equip d’anàlisi de dades per millorar l’eficiència operativa i la satisfacció del client
- Desenvolupament de Clientes
- Enfocament en fidelització i retenció de clients
- Programes de recompenses i fidelització
- Col·laboracions i Aliances Estratègiques
- Desenvolupament de partenariat amb altres companyies tecnològiques, hotels, línies aèries, etc.
Consideracions Addicionals:
- Servei Post-venda: Assegura’t que els clients tornin a ser ben atesos després del seu viatge.
- Innovació en Experiències: Equip centrat en l’innovació d’experiències de viatge, com visites virtuals o altres tecnologies immersives.
- Sostenibilitat: Un equip que treballi en pràctiques sostenibles i ecològiques per als viatges.
Assegura’t que tots aquests equips estiguin ben coordinats i treballin conjuntament per aportar el millor servei possible als clients. Amb aquests rols, tindràs una agència de viatges online més que sòlida, capaç de competir en un mercat global.
About the project & culture
About the team & culture
Join the revolution in the tourism industry with HelloTrip!
Unsure about which team to join? We still want you!
Are you ultra-motivated by our vision but not sure which specific team or position fits you? Don’t worry, we still want to hear from you! Share with us how you can bring your unique value to HelloTrip and be a key part of our mission to revolutionize the travel industry.
Not feeling entrepreneurial enough?
You surely know someone who is!
Even if you don’t see yourself fitting this vibrant, entrepreneurial culture, your friend might be looking for this exact opportunity! Share this with friends or colleagues who radiate positivity and are eager to make a difference. Help them find their place in an incredible team ready to shape the future of travel!